Corte ubicado en la región del muslo (cara interna). Base ósea: Isquion, Pubis, Fémur y extremo proximal de la tibia. Planos musculares principales: Sartorio, Recto interno (planos superficiales), Pectíneo, Aductor y Semi membranoso (planos profundos).
Puntos a especificar:
· Porcentaje de grasa removible.
· Presentación a la tela o al rojo.
Inside is situated caudal and medial to the femur bone and attached to the os coxae (aitchbone). It is removed by following the natural seam between the Thick Flank and Silverside. The pizzle butt, fibrous tissue, inguinal lymph node and it´s surrounding fat are removed.
Points requiring specification:
· Fat cover.
· Connective tissue removed.
2010 | USA NAMP 168